Christopher at the beach

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Heavy and hurting hearts...

Do you ever have days that you are so full of God's Love that you cannot contain it? Today I received a phone call from a dear friend who lives in another state. When I heard her voice, something inside me perked up and I could feel God thru the phone lines.. My friend is an encourager in the biggest sense of the word! She blesses me.. She said "Gayle, I have been constantly praying God's Word for the past several months." She went on to tell me that she cannot get enough of His Word. That is where God wants us to be, full of Him everyday. I sensed His Spirit so strong in my soul; like the scripture in Psalms 23.. "He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul.." How can we be full of the Love of God? By being in His Word and talking to Him everyday, and thruout the day. I do have to admit, there are days when I neglect God and His Word. The great news is that He forgives me and picks me up right where I am and helps me to realize where I need to be. Close to Him. Many times God will put us in positions where we have no where to run but to Him. It is thru those dark and lonely times that He comforts us and grows us the most. A few hours after my phone call, I received a phone call from another dear friend.. she told me she was so dry spiritually. As she cried, my heart was sad just knowing she is not the only Christian who is dry spiritually. There are many Christians in this world who are heartbroken, lonely, sad, confused and scared. Jesus told us "I will never leave you or forsake you.." He tells us in His Word, "come to me all who are weary, and I will give you rest.." Many years ago God revealed to me that my gift is that of an encourager. I love to encourage other women, young and old. I want to encourage them to read His Word, to talk to Him, to run to Him and HE will meet every need. I have experienced His Encouragement when my world was very dark; when nothing made sense, when my heart was crushed. He told me "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world..." He comforts those who are weary and heavy hearted. I would love to encourage you today to run to Him with everything that is in you. Pick up His Word and just start reading and praying His Word. He will come alive in your life like you have never experienced, and He will sustain you with whatever it is you are going through. Psalm 95 says "Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation, Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods!" Praise Him! I pray that whomever reads this blog will be filled with God's Presence! Blessings! Gayle P.S. Don't forget to hug your daughter!!

Monday, January 31, 2011

"God allows adversity to mold and shape you" Charles Stanley

I don't know if it is just me, or is adversity overwhelmingly present in your life? I was expressing my concerns recently regarding adversity; why is it when we have God's Holy Spirit living in us that life is a constant fight? I realize that the Holy Spirit is a constant, soothing comfort...the devil hammers and hammers and hammers away at our Spirit. Even though the devil cannot take away our spirit, he can throw fiery darts continually at us. That brings me to the devotional I read this morning, along with reading out of 1 Samuel 30, David was facing adversity in a very strong way. His wives were taken and life was falling apart around him. God had a purpose and a plan and it was to be fulfilled thru adversity. Wow, God can take anything bad and turn it into good for His perfect plan! Charles Stanley says: "The dark moments of our life will last only so long as is necessary for God to accomplish His purpose in us." Another couple of good quotes from this dear man "adversity shows us where we stand in our faith" Wow, how true that one is. I like to fix people whom I know are hurting - but God does not need me to do anything but stay focused on Him, pray for those who are hurting and keep my mouth closed! God wants to do a work and cannot if we are interfering trying to help that person avoid adversity. "God allows adversity to mold and shape you." Wow, another zinger. As Charles says, "God wants to accomplish several goals in your life and mine by allowing suffering and heartache into our experience.."

1. gets our attention
2. delivers us from pride
3. reveals our weaknesses and strengths
4. increases our hatred for sin
5. demonstrates the faithfulness of God
6. Prepares us for future service

And I could go on quoting this Godly man.. So, the next time you suffer adversity, say to the Lord "speak Lord" (1Samuel 3:9) as little Samuel said to God, and then prepare to listen.

I pray your day is filled with His blessings and that adversity draws you closer and closer to your Heavenly Father.. I've not arrived, but am working toward that goal of constantly saying "speak Lord" and then listen!

Blessings to you, and don't forget to hug your daughter!


Tuesday, December 7, 2010


So, when you think of scheduling what do you think of? A Doctor's appointment, dentist appointment, an important meeting, etc.
How would you schedule your life? What things do you think of in doing that?? Who's schedule are we really on? What is the purpose for having a schedule for our life? Isn't it to help us keep track of where we are going and what our agenda is?
But what if life throws a couple curve balls your way and it throws you off of YOUR schedule? Then, who's schedule are you really on? Who's life is this and where is it really going??
I often ask myself these things in the recent months that I have been in my situation. As most of you know, I am in a situation that I have absolutely NO control over. I don't know when I am going to get the call, I don't if I am going to get better; I don't even know if I will be well enough to get out of bed tomorrow to face another day of uncertainty.
I have come to the realization that I am not on my self-made schedule. Since I have given myself, my life, my schedule to Christ, it belongs to Him. He gets to do with it what He pleases. I may not know exactly what's going to happen, but I do know that He is in absolute control and will NEVER fail me.
I have never been more alive, more peaceful, more joyful and loved life more than I have than being in the situation I am in now. And it's all because I finally gave it up to Christ. I have let Him deal with my "stuff" and it has freed me up to live.
So about my schedule......for me I would have liked to have my new lungs by now; but look at the things I would have missed in the meantime.....
1. Awesome friends
2.Awesome church
3. Never felt the presence of God more in my life!
4.Complete and absolute TRUE Joy.
5. Appreciate life so much more.
6. Don't take people or things for granite anymore.
7. Realized SOO much stuff about myself.....
8. Have found the TRUE me.
9. I know now that life is not about the physical and how far we get materialistically, but how far we get spiritually.
10.I have found the true people that will stick by my side and just love me unconditionally.
11. I just can't say enough about the people that I have met here!! Unbelieveably awesome!!
12. GORGEOUS scenery!!
Ok, well I think that's the jist of it for now. I could really go on....but it's late.
The times i do feel tired and feel that I can't go on, I rely on my God to give me strength......just like the verse says:
"Even youths grow tired and weary, and young men stumble and fall; but those whose hope is in the Lord will renew their strength. They will soar on wings like eagles; they will run and not grow weary, they will walk and not be faint." Isaiah 40:29-31
And when you are on God's schedule He gives us the strength and energy to make it through. We just have to make that choice to do so.
I did. And I am living according to God's schedule for me.

The above was written by Robin in 2007 when she was waiting for her double lung transplant.. Just thought I would share some of her writings.


Monday, November 1, 2010

Thoughts and Attitudes

As I have just completed the series "Be Ye transformed, Renewing your mind" by Nancy Missler. I am reminded once again of how much I am NOT in control of my life. It is a constant battle, but a rewarding one. I learned some steps that may help you in your battle. By renewing our minds, we are to capture each thought, (we are not responsible for our thoughts, it is what we do with them once they come into our minds!)
2 Corinthians 10:5-6. I've learned over the past couple years that "His ways are not my ways, neither are His thoughts my thoughts.."Isaiah 55:8-9. He refreshes my memory everyday regarding that verse! I continue to struggle with my thoughts and "my own ways." He gently reminds me to be willing to present my body as a living sacrifice, Hebrews 11:11; To be willing to deny myself or lay myself down. Phil 3:8-15, to obey His will no matter what, 2 Corinthians 8:11, and to "take every thought captive" 2 Cor 10:5-6. As a Christian, I realize that if I struggle with those very things, then other Christians must have the same struggle. My prayer for you is that you can learn to capture each negative thought and give it up to Him.

I have had people ask me lately how the one year anniversary of Robins' departure to Heaven is going to affect me, and how I am doing with it.
I have faced many battles of my mind this year with losing Robin. The battles have been with the memories of her suffering and death which have been very painful for me. Even though I realize that she is in a better place, the question is am I in a better place! I never have missed anyone so much in my entire life as I have missed my precious daughter. There are no words to describe the pain. By giving those painful thoughts to the Lord, He is giving me His comfort in mighty ways. In answer to the question of "how am I going to handle it?" The same way I have handled it all along, I will probably cry, get mad, stomp my feet - "it's not fair" etc. etc. But! Along with that will be rivers of refreshing comfort from my Heavenly Father, peace that passes all understanding & a renewal of Hope from Him

Here are some steps by Nancy Missler that may help you:
1. Recognize, acknowlege and experience the thought; ask God to show you the truth.
2. Confess and repent 1 John 1:9 Unconditionally forgiving others.
3. Give everything not of faith over to Him.
4. Read His Word daily!

I hope my rambling has not confused you! Hey, this is just a blog! I trust God will be your comfort, healer, redeemer, and best friend as He has been to me.. By the way, November 4th is one year of Robin's death. Pray for little Christopher and Jason if you think of them. They have been real troopers this year and have kept the faith!


P.S. Don't forget to hug your daughter!

Thursday, September 9, 2010

Taking Every thought captive, give it to Him...

This week I have been priviledged to be in the beautiful mountains of Colorado at Vallecitos Lake. I am here for a few days alone working on my talk I will be giving in October at a Ladies Retreat. As I drove here, I was anxious on how I was to organize my talk. Thru restlessness and confusion, I realized that Satan does not want God's Word to be spoken to anyone! As I struggled as to what to say or how to say it, I read this verse "Casting down arguments and every high thing that exalts itself against the knowledge of God, bringing every thought into captivity to the obedience of Christ.." 2 Cor. 10:5 I read in my devotional these words "we take every thought or project that comes to us by impulse and jump into action immediately, instead of imprisoning and disciplining ourselves to obey Christ." Wow, God really spoke to me regarding my actions - it is not what I want to say, but what does He want to say as He ministers thru me!
I just happened to have started a class on Tuesday nights at church. It is "Be Ye Transformed" by Nancy Missler. It is taken from Romans 12:1-2. Let God transform your mind and heart. All He wants us to do is obey Him, love Him,and get to know Him. He will take care of the rest! Personally, I am still healing from losing my sweet Robin. I miss her so much everyday. I know God has His reasons for taking her home, but I probably will always struggle with missing her and her sweet smile. I miss just calling her and talking to her everyday. I am practicing on giving God every thought that I have of Robin and let Him fill me with Him.
I pray your day and week will be filled with God's blessings. Just try taking every thought captive and giving it to Him, just for one day. You will be amazed how He removes all the junk from your mind!!


P.S. Have a wonderful fall ya'll! (as they say in Texas!)

Thursday, August 5, 2010

The Blessings of Summer 2010

Wow! Where has this summer gone? After resigning my job in June, I decided I was going to "be still before the Lord..." this summer. Yeah, right! We picked up Christopher July 4th in Pagosa Springs and our life has not been the same!
This has been the most busy and fun summer we have had in quite sometime. Every summer in years past (for the last 5 years anyway), has been STRESS! Never knowing when we were going to or coming from Denver to take care of Robin. But this summer has been totally different. I am resting, knowing my precious Robin is in Heaven breathing well.

Having Christopher with us has been such a comfort for us and I know for him too.
He enjoyed the 4th of July with fireworks and family, enjoyed having his Aunt Lavonne here for a week, enjoyed 2 weeks of swim lessons and one week of VBS, plus boating on Navajo Lake with Uncle David and Aunt Linda. Whew! This gramma needs a rest! We spent numerous times reading God's Word, working on scripture memory and talking about Robin & Heaven. Christopher has such a desire to know more about Heaven. He misses his mommy, but smiles when we talk about her.
My prayer before he came was to be able to teach him the great things of God. He has a tender heart before the Lord, and I know God will use him in a mighty way.

So it is with great sadness, he leaves to go back home tomorrow Friday to be reunited with his daddy! He will be leaving behind for us great memories, numerous funny stories and time to rest these weary bones! ha ha ha.

I thank God for the many blessings He gave us this summer thru Christopher James Stocking!!

Blessings to you!

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Still Waiting...

"These things I plan won't happen right away. Slowly, steadily, surely, the time approaches when the vision will be fulfilled. If it seems slow, do not despair, for these things will surely come to pass. Just be patient! They will not be overdue a single day!" Habakkuk 2:3 (LB)
Since my last post I have been asking God to show me His purpose. In todays devotional from Rick Warren he uses the above scripture reference and says the following:
"The Bible is filled with examples of how God uses a long process to develop character, especially in leaders. He took eighty years to prepare Moses, including forty in the wilderness. For 14,600 days Moses kept waiting and wondering, "Is it time yet?" But God kept saying, "Not yet."
That brings me great comfort because there are many times I think I may not be doing something "right" to hear from God. I need to spend some time looking back at what He has accomplished in my life and take comfort that He has been my protector, provider, comforter, healer and Lord. Thank you Jesus that You know me better than I know myself.

If you are following in the Lords steps, I pray you will hang on, relax and continue to stay in His Word, He will reveal His purpose for you!
If you haven't read "The Purpose Driven Life" in awhile, you might want to dust it off and read it again. It's taking me alot longer this round of reading because I want to absorb all He has for me.
Blessings to You!

P.S. Don't forget to hug your daughter!

My baby and her family

My baby and her family