Christopher at the beach

Sunday, February 17, 2013

Heavy and hurting hearts...

Do you ever have days that you are so full of God's Love that you cannot contain it? Today I received a phone call from a dear friend who lives in another state. When I heard her voice, something inside me perked up and I could feel God thru the phone lines.. My friend is an encourager in the biggest sense of the word! She blesses me.. She said "Gayle, I have been constantly praying God's Word for the past several months." She went on to tell me that she cannot get enough of His Word. That is where God wants us to be, full of Him everyday. I sensed His Spirit so strong in my soul; like the scripture in Psalms 23.. "He leads me beside still waters, He restores my soul.." How can we be full of the Love of God? By being in His Word and talking to Him everyday, and thruout the day. I do have to admit, there are days when I neglect God and His Word. The great news is that He forgives me and picks me up right where I am and helps me to realize where I need to be. Close to Him. Many times God will put us in positions where we have no where to run but to Him. It is thru those dark and lonely times that He comforts us and grows us the most. A few hours after my phone call, I received a phone call from another dear friend.. she told me she was so dry spiritually. As she cried, my heart was sad just knowing she is not the only Christian who is dry spiritually. There are many Christians in this world who are heartbroken, lonely, sad, confused and scared. Jesus told us "I will never leave you or forsake you.." He tells us in His Word, "come to me all who are weary, and I will give you rest.." Many years ago God revealed to me that my gift is that of an encourager. I love to encourage other women, young and old. I want to encourage them to read His Word, to talk to Him, to run to Him and HE will meet every need. I have experienced His Encouragement when my world was very dark; when nothing made sense, when my heart was crushed. He told me "I am with you always, even unto the end of the world..." He comforts those who are weary and heavy hearted. I would love to encourage you today to run to Him with everything that is in you. Pick up His Word and just start reading and praying His Word. He will come alive in your life like you have never experienced, and He will sustain you with whatever it is you are going through. Psalm 95 says "Oh come, let us sing to the Lord! Let us shout joyfully to the Rock of our salvation, Let us come before His presence with thanksgiving; Let us shout joyfully to Him with psalms. For the Lord is the great God, and the great King above all gods!" Praise Him! I pray that whomever reads this blog will be filled with God's Presence! Blessings! Gayle P.S. Don't forget to hug your daughter!!

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